I've just downloaded yesterday a page from Britannica and I realized, that high doses of vitamins are probably an idea to fight cancer and probably other diseases.
Especially Vitamin B12 seems to be good. And don't be afraid to take doses of extremely higher than normal. I myself took in the year 2000 doses extremely higher than normal of Vitamins and minerals like Selen etc. This is not a problem. You can have a look onto the story of A. Hoffer, who was the inventor of the megavitamin-therapy originally in case of schizophrenia, but there it is not needed.
Okay, the thing is that, I cite (only part of the whole article which you can download here:
'Britannica: Vitamin B12') :
"Vitamin B is involved in cellular metabolism in two active coenzyme forms—methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin. Vitamin B cooperates with folic acid (folate) in the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA). A deficiency of either compound leads to disordered production of DNA and, hence, to the impaired
production of red blood cells. Vitamin B also has a separate biochemical role, unrelated to folic acid, in thesynthesis of fatty acids in the myelin sheath that surrounds nerve cells."
You can either scan Britannica for information on other Vitamins and minerals and/or think about this for while and build up your own opinion.
I would like to mention too, that you can buy in drug stores Vitamin B12 in doses of 1000 սg, that doesn't harm you, you only sleep no more, if you are healthy. You are able to concentrate extremely good. I should mention that the normal daily needed dose is about 3 սg. You see nearly a factor 1000 between those doses. I don't know what Dr. Hoffer recommended, but that might be outdated. I recently found a list of orthomolecular doctors, those are doctors who work with megavitamin therapy.
The link to them is here:
Orthomolecular doctors in the US
For German people I can recommend Dr. Wenzel, although he works apparently only with schizophrenic patients and as of my own experience in such cases it is not needed to
Dr. Wenzel Limburg (Hessen) Germany
For German people I can recommend Dr. Wenzel, although he works apparently only with schizophrenic patients and as of my own experience in such cases it is not needed to
Dr. Wenzel Limburg (Hessen) Germany
But maybe this people can help you:
But I don't know if they can help you, if you have problems with auto-immune diseases.
I would like to mention too, that you can probably take doses much higher than 5000 սg. I think it depends only on the problem. I am more and more convinced that you can increase the doses of any Vitamin up to whatever you need. I cannot prove this, yet, but it makes sense to me. One need to increase the level of especially Vitamin B12 until the body is behaving properly. This depends on the disease and on the actual body temperature. Vitamin B12 is responsible for the creation of red blood cells and therefore for the level or concentration of them in blood and they are needed to metabolise oxygen which is the most basic and most important process within the body. The more oxygen you can metabolise, the more healthy and powerful and well trained you are. You see that athletes are that powerful because their body is able to metabolise a lot oxygen and training leads obviously to an increased red blood cell production and they can transport more oxygen etc. For chemists look a the two basic formulas below. Okay, if the body is ill it needs to regain power to overcome the illness. The fever tries to increase the 'workload' of the oxygen metabolism. Therefore it needs Vitamin B12. For some unknown reason, leukaemia arises within some bodies. A high concentration up to some grams of Vitamin B12 or more per day should reverse the effect. Remember: Nearly everything is reversible in biochemistry. The DNA-repair needs to be activated. It should heal nearly everything, the correct Megavitamin therapy, I mean. That means, you make a pH-blood test and if this is below 7.4 and the person is ill, then you have to increase it until the person feels good again. To which level? I don't know, that depends on the individual and on the disease. This is of course a hyptothesis. But there're strong indications that the whole concept works, since the formulas below prove that that the pH of blood is essential for the well-being of the body and thus the human and the animals too of course.
That I am on the correct track are revealing the following citations from the 'cancer guide 2016:'
"With the increased oxidative stress in a cancer cell, metabolic

You can observe that any workout is leading to a well balanced meaning a water keeping or producing increase of O2 in the blood and thus Vitamin B12, which is the Cobalt complex indeed is:
1. Water soluble and
2. Producing Oxygen that is essential in metabolism.
3. The increase of the Cobalt complex leads to an increase in HCO3- and thus to an increase of CO2 which in turn leads to an increase of O2 and this is a dynamically process which leads to a balance of O2 and CO2 and water.
4. If your body contains no Cobalt complex (Vitamin B12) the fourth equation vanishes identically. No HCO3- is existing anymore and no metabolism takes place. Okay, this pathological, meaning the only statement it is revealing is that: No Vitamin B12, your body is just dead. Okay. I don't know if there's anything else that produces HCO3- but this is not important here.
The basic message is: Vitamin B12 is the essential production entity of O2 and it is water soluble and by taking Vitamin B12 you will have a natural entity that controls and at the same time increases your O2 metabolism and will yield to an overall health improvement. The exact O2<->CO2 equilibrium is a function of Vitamin B12 concentration in blood, pH of blood, your overall workout and your individual DNA, to speak scientifically as precise as possible and to be more common your individual body :-)
What is now the surviving riddle? This is the metabolism of fat. Fats are triglycerides. Those are esters. That is the first equation. That means if the body produces O2 it will lead to an increase of HCO3- and a fat reduction. That is what we observe, when we do workout. So overall we can say that those five formulas above are explaining the necessary process(es) of overall O2 metabolism in the body. The more workout you are doing, that means the more you move, think, sing laugh, etc. and the more Vitamin B12 you take the more healthy you should be.
The main difference between individuals is their actual DNA and their individual behavior in life. Diseases can be fight by increasing the mineral-vitamin metabolism and B12 is essential in this, because it leads to an expanded metabolism of anything and supported by workout increases your ability to heal yourself what is done by increasing the O2 metabolism.
You can see from the formulas above that any process like respiration leads to a reduction of acidity, since sugar is chemically an alcohol and thus workout helps to restore normality in the body. But the body needs red blood cells to transport the oxygen to the cells. That is O_2. If not enough red blood cells are available, you are too early exhausted. Many athletes are going into high mountains for training, because there is the air is not so dense and the body produces more red blood cells for transporting blood. But if you consume not enough Vitamins especially B12, that doesn't work either, so megavitamin therapy is needed additionally to increase the level of red blood cells and the pH of blood needs to be pH>7.45 what results in E_h>>800 mV as needed.
That I am on the correct track are revealing the following citations from the 'cancer guide 2016:'
"Cancer cells are able to survive in their hostile microenvironments
because of increased expression of proton pumps and
ion transporters. Aberrant regulation of hydrogen ions leads
to a reversal of the pH gradient across tumor cell membranes,
resulting in an increased basic intracellular pH (pHi) and a
more acidic extracellular pH (pHe)."
pathways must adapt to maintain the redox balance."
In general the following is correct (Wikiepdia: 'Cellular Respiration'):

In general the following is correct (Wikiepdia: 'Cellular Respiration'):
" Nutrients that are commonly used by animal and plant cells in respiration include sugar, amino acids and fatty acids, and the most common oxidizing agent (electron acceptor) is molecular oxygen (O2 ). The chemical energy stored in ATP (its third phosphate group is weakly bonded to the rest of the molecule and is cheaply broken allowing stronger bonds to form, thereby transferring energy for use by the cell) can then be used to drive processes requiring energy, including biosynthesis, locomotion or transportation of molecules across cell membranes."

You can observe that any workout is leading to a well balanced meaning a water keeping or producing increase of O2 in the blood and thus Vitamin B12, which is the Cobalt complex indeed is:
1. Water soluble and
2. Producing Oxygen that is essential in metabolism.
3. The increase of the Cobalt complex leads to an increase in HCO3- and thus to an increase of CO2 which in turn leads to an increase of O2 and this is a dynamically process which leads to a balance of O2 and CO2 and water.
4. If your body contains no Cobalt complex (Vitamin B12) the fourth equation vanishes identically. No HCO3- is existing anymore and no metabolism takes place. Okay, this pathological, meaning the only statement it is revealing is that: No Vitamin B12, your body is just dead. Okay. I don't know if there's anything else that produces HCO3- but this is not important here.
The basic message is: Vitamin B12 is the essential production entity of O2 and it is water soluble and by taking Vitamin B12 you will have a natural entity that controls and at the same time increases your O2 metabolism and will yield to an overall health improvement. The exact O2<->CO2 equilibrium is a function of Vitamin B12 concentration in blood, pH of blood, your overall workout and your individual DNA, to speak scientifically as precise as possible and to be more common your individual body :-)
What is now the surviving riddle? This is the metabolism of fat. Fats are triglycerides. Those are esters. That is the first equation. That means if the body produces O2 it will lead to an increase of HCO3- and a fat reduction. That is what we observe, when we do workout. So overall we can say that those five formulas above are explaining the necessary process(es) of overall O2 metabolism in the body. The more workout you are doing, that means the more you move, think, sing laugh, etc. and the more Vitamin B12 you take the more healthy you should be.
The main difference between individuals is their actual DNA and their individual behavior in life. Diseases can be fight by increasing the mineral-vitamin metabolism and B12 is essential in this, because it leads to an expanded metabolism of anything and supported by workout increases your ability to heal yourself what is done by increasing the O2 metabolism.
You can see from the formulas above that any process like respiration leads to a reduction of acidity, since sugar is chemically an alcohol and thus workout helps to restore normality in the body. But the body needs red blood cells to transport the oxygen to the cells. That is O_2. If not enough red blood cells are available, you are too early exhausted. Many athletes are going into high mountains for training, because there is the air is not so dense and the body produces more red blood cells for transporting blood. But if you consume not enough Vitamins especially B12, that doesn't work either, so megavitamin therapy is needed additionally to increase the level of red blood cells and the pH of blood needs to be pH>7.45 what results in E_h>>800 mV as needed.
The redox balance is the fact that the redox potential (The activity of the electrons) must be as high as possible, that means E_h >> 800 mV, in order to repair the problems. The pH has to increase pH > 7.45 and megavitamins and minerals need to be supplied. Oxygen needs to be produced to erase the high sugar level. All this is done by Vitamins and minerals especially Vitamin B12. I will update this regularly. For those who like to read the guide:
Cancer Guide 2016
The structure of the basic compounds that red blood cells are made of, reveals, that they are either alkalic or NH3-R-OO-R like structures, like:
The structure of the basic compounds that red blood cells are made of, reveals, that they are either alkalic or NH3-R-OO-R like structures, like:
Thus, what about pH value of red blood cells? If we increase the Vitamin B12 concentration, it turns out, that red blood cells can be produced, since the concentration of H+ ions is increasing in blood. In order to keep the balance of the basic equation: acid + alkalic <-> ester + water, the concentration of alkalics must be increased. If this is the only way, Vitamin B12 takes, to support the creation of red blood cells cannot be revealed. It can be stated, that the increasing of the concentration of Vitamin B12 favors the creation of red blood cells. The chemical formula of red blood cells is completely different than this of Vitamin B12. So I cannot see from this basic information, if there is any other way, how Vitamin B12 is involved.
It turns out, that red blood cells are created by some hormone and that Vitamin B12 and iron and folate are key players that support this process. Maybe they are catalysators, I don't know this.
Creation of Red Blood Cells
It turns out, that red blood cells are created by some hormone and that Vitamin B12 and iron and folate are key players that support this process. Maybe they are catalysators, I don't know this.
Creation of Red Blood Cells
Happy Holidays.