Hi folks, here comes a novel that I wrote covering my life from 1978 to 2016. Nicole, it's funny that it starts during summer 1978, when you were born :-) Please excuse the English. I pushed it through the Google translator, which works fine usually, but it contains some problems. I have corrected until page 137 or so. Hope you have some fun. The dialogs are fictive, but the story is of course real. You will encounter what has been happened and what is fictive.
The psychological point's of view are representing my own views and the judgy part of the therapists. Of course I tried to put it on the point, what my opinion was and still is and what the therapists think. It's fun, at least to me, how this goes back and forth until some guy I named Mr Förster really helped me, with some basic ideas, that I couldn't reveal under the influence of the drugs. Why does all took so long, I will never reveal. Well it's history and should give you an impression, how I have grown up. Don't worry too much about all this. It's history. We can talk about details, if you want, when we're going to meet. Hopefully soon.
Those shit should be banned, but you can of course make up your own opinion.
You can download it in two formats:
Here in Word:
The slow dying of the Monster Schizophrenia docx
Here in pdf:
The slow dying of the Monster Schizophrenia, pdf
I love you Nicole
Philosophy, Metaphysics, Theory about the term 'Positive Attitude', Theory about the Mind Brain-Matter Connection, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Physics, Mathematics, Microscopic Theory that goes beyond Quantum Mechanics
About Me

- Kay zum Felde
- I am interested in Philosophy,Metaphysics and Physical Theories about the Mind, new Theories about Gravitation, Electromagnetism, Fractals, Chaos Theory, Condensed Matter Physics and critical Phenomena, AdS/CFT-duality
Monday, November 27, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Roman über die Geschichte meines Sieges über die Schizophrenie
Hi zusammen, wer immer interessiert ist:
hier könnt ihr den Text downloaden. Er ist depersonalisiert. Ich sollte noch sagen, dass er in Romanform geschrieben ist und somit teilweise überspitzt formuliert ist um ein wenig Spannung zu erzeugen.
Es gibt ihn in zwei Dateiformaten:
Word hier:
'Das langsame Sterben des Monsters Schizophrenie' Word docx
oder als PDF hier:
'Das langsame Sterben des Monsters Schizophrenie' Format pdf
hier könnt ihr den Text downloaden. Er ist depersonalisiert. Ich sollte noch sagen, dass er in Romanform geschrieben ist und somit teilweise überspitzt formuliert ist um ein wenig Spannung zu erzeugen.
Es gibt ihn in zwei Dateiformaten:
Word hier:
'Das langsame Sterben des Monsters Schizophrenie' Word docx
oder als PDF hier:
'Das langsame Sterben des Monsters Schizophrenie' Format pdf
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Extended introduction of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature,' with a concise, precise statement why I started this attempt
Just download the file,
with a concise and precise explanation, why I started this new attempt,
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature' version 0.2, extended
with a concise and precise explanation, why I started this new attempt,
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature' version 0.2, extended
Friday, November 10, 2017
Small extension of 'The Philosophy of Positivity.'
I extended the section 10f) Chronic diseases
and the pH value of blood
by some additional information of the relations between the pH's in the body and DNA mutation and the chemical root of the term 'mutation' that cannot be explained by biology and biologists thought it is irreversible but in principle it is reversible, since chemical processes are reversible.
Version 1.1 of 'The Philosophy of Positivity,' from 11/11/2017
by some additional information of the relations between the pH's in the body and DNA mutation and the chemical root of the term 'mutation' that cannot be explained by biology and biologists thought it is irreversible but in principle it is reversible, since chemical processes are reversible.
Version 1.1 of 'The Philosophy of Positivity,' from 11/11/2017
Extended version of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
I extended the introduction. In the past days I commented on Facebook several links to theories and problems about quantum theories and projects.
I noticed, that people seem to have forgotten, haven't noticed those problems, that led Richard Feynman to the statement: 'Nobody understands quantum mechanics.'
My original idea to study physics was to understand quantum mechanics. That dated back into the year 1985. Since some time, not long ago, I realized for myself that Feynman is right and that the only conclusion is that:
Quantum Theories are not the fundamental microscopic Theories. No doubt that they work extremely well. But that is only valid for computations of properties of excessively many physical systems. But quantum theories lack the logic understanding of the microscopic world. Feynman and Einstein realized that.
The basic problem that a classical entity like the electron is according to quantum theory behaving both like a wave and a particle. That's the quantum principle for every quantum entity. Now this so-called wave/particle duality is not actually a duality. It is a contradiction. How can an entity follow both and more over such a complete different concept? The human mind cannot grasp this. It is incomprehensible. Therefore physicists and philosophers came up with the idea, that the human mind cannot grasp Nature. I don't believe this. And I believe Feynman and Einstein implied by their statements about quantum mechanics the same. They implied that the idea, to describe the microscopic world by means of those classically macroscopic concepts, particle and wave does not yield to a meaningful result.
And Einstein's discovery that the equivalence principle is the fundamental idea behind gravitation and that it is explainable to freshmen and probably too to high-school students should indicate that the human mind is able to grasp Nature. And there's no indication that the microscopic world is not logical.
The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature
I noticed, that people seem to have forgotten, haven't noticed those problems, that led Richard Feynman to the statement: 'Nobody understands quantum mechanics.'
My original idea to study physics was to understand quantum mechanics. That dated back into the year 1985. Since some time, not long ago, I realized for myself that Feynman is right and that the only conclusion is that:
Quantum Theories are not the fundamental microscopic Theories. No doubt that they work extremely well. But that is only valid for computations of properties of excessively many physical systems. But quantum theories lack the logic understanding of the microscopic world. Feynman and Einstein realized that.
The basic problem that a classical entity like the electron is according to quantum theory behaving both like a wave and a particle. That's the quantum principle for every quantum entity. Now this so-called wave/particle duality is not actually a duality. It is a contradiction. How can an entity follow both and more over such a complete different concept? The human mind cannot grasp this. It is incomprehensible. Therefore physicists and philosophers came up with the idea, that the human mind cannot grasp Nature. I don't believe this. And I believe Feynman and Einstein implied by their statements about quantum mechanics the same. They implied that the idea, to describe the microscopic world by means of those classically macroscopic concepts, particle and wave does not yield to a meaningful result.
And Einstein's discovery that the equivalence principle is the fundamental idea behind gravitation and that it is explainable to freshmen and probably too to high-school students should indicate that the human mind is able to grasp Nature. And there's no indication that the microscopic world is not logical.
The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Corrected and extended draft: 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
You can download here: 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
Corrections and Extensions made in the sections:
1) Introduction
12a) Phase Transitions
Download here the US Letter formatted file:
New version of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
Corrections and Extensions made in the sections:
1) Introduction
12a) Phase Transitions
Download here the US Letter formatted file:
New version of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Extended version of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
You can download here the newest version of my project titled:
'The new Formulation of Physical Laws of Nature:'
Extensions are made in the sections:
12) Condensed Matter Physics
12a) Phase Transitions
I computed with the help of the generalized AdS/CFT-duality principle:
A system build up of a Fermi 3-sphere and its elementary excitations called spin waves
A system of a first order transition from an unordered magnetic state into a ferromagnet.
Download here:
The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature, as of 11/07/2017
'The new Formulation of Physical Laws of Nature:'
Extensions are made in the sections:
12) Condensed Matter Physics
12a) Phase Transitions
I computed with the help of the generalized AdS/CFT-duality principle:
A system build up of a Fermi 3-sphere and its elementary excitations called spin waves
A system of a first order transition from an unordered magnetic state into a ferromagnet.
Download here:
The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature, as of 11/07/2017
Monday, November 6, 2017
Modified version 0.2 of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
You can download the newest version of
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
Modified section:
11) Black Holes
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature,' as of 11/06/2017
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
Modified section:
11) Black Holes
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature,' as of 11/06/2017
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Updated, corrected and extended version of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
You can download the newest update of my project:
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
Corrected, updated and extended are the sections:
10a) Detailed Attempt of a new Description of the microscopic World
11) Black Holes
12) Condensed Matter Physics
Download here:
US Letter formatted newest version of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
Corrected, updated and extended are the sections:
10a) Detailed Attempt of a new Description of the microscopic World
11) Black Holes
12) Condensed Matter Physics
Download here:
US Letter formatted newest version of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Small corrections as of 11/05/2017 of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
You can download here the latest version of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
Those are the sections where corrections have been made:
10a) Detailed Attempt of a new Description of the microscopic World
11) Black Holes
Download the updated US Letter formatted version 0.2 here:
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
Those are the sections where corrections have been made:
10a) Detailed Attempt of a new Description of the microscopic World
11) Black Holes
Download the updated US Letter formatted version 0.2 here:
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
Corrected and extended version of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
Here you can download the newest version of: 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
The corrections and extensions are boldfaced.
I have computed two homology groups, for two cases of what I call the generalized AdS/CFT-duality principle. One for the usual case and one for a black hole.
The corrections and extensions are boldfaced.
I have computed two homology groups, for two cases of what I call the generalized AdS/CFT-duality principle. One for the usual case and one for a black hole.
of Contents
Preface: 4
1) Introduction 6
Part II: Basics 8
2) The basic Law 8
3) The Structure of
the fundamental Law 8
4) Topology 11
4a) Homology
Groups 12
4b) The
Coefficient Theorem of Homology Groups 15
5) The generalized
AdS/CFT-duality Principle 18
Part III: Applications 20
6) Consequences of
the basic Law 20
6a) The geometric
Laws of Gravielectromagnetism 23
7) Special cases of
the fundamental Spacetime Length 26
Thermodynamics 28
9) Riemann
Surfaces 30
10) An Attempt to
create a microscopic Theory beyond Quantum Theory 32
10a) Detailed
Attempt of a new Description of the microscopic World 33
10b) A Sketch of a
new Theory of Entanglement 40
Part IV: Advanced Physics 42
11) Black Holes 42
Summary: 45
Download here:
Corrections and Extensions of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature'
I have corrected and extended the version 0.2 further.
The boldfaced sections have been corrected and extended.
The boldfaced sections have been corrected and extended.
of Contents
Preface: 4
1) Introduction 6
Part II: Basics 8
2) The basic Law 8
3) The Structure of
the fundamental Law 8
4) Topology 11
4a) Homology
Groups 12
4b) The
Coefficient Theorem of Homology Groups 15
5) The generalized
AdS/CFT-duality Principle 18
Part III: Applications 20
6) Consequences of
the basic Law 20
6a) The geometric
Laws of Gravielectromagnetism 23
7) Special cases of
the fundamental Spacetime Length 26
Thermodynamics 28
9) Riemann
Surfaces 30
10) An Attempt to
create a microscopic Theory beyond Quantum Theory 32
10a) Detailed
Attempt of a new Description of the microscopic World 33
10b) A Sketch of a
new Theory of Entanglement 39
Part IV: Advanced Physics 41
11) Black Holes 41
Summary: 44
Comments per email or here, questions, discussable ideas and corrections are welcome.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Small corrections of version 0.2 of 'The new Formulation of the physical laws of Nature.'
Download here the new project 'The new Formulation of the physical Laws of Nature,' with small corrections in the sections
8) Thermodynamics
The Hubble constant needed to be introduced since the derivation of the specific spacetime length has to be taken with respect to the velocities of the concentrations. All elementary excitations, that means all three types of waves, deformations of spacetime are depending on this constant in both geometries, Lorentzian and spherical. The Hubble constant determines the discretised time intervals.
US Letter formatted version 0.2 of 'The new Formulation of the physical Laws of Nature.'
8) Thermodynamics
The Hubble constant needed to be introduced since the derivation of the specific spacetime length has to be taken with respect to the velocities of the concentrations. All elementary excitations, that means all three types of waves, deformations of spacetime are depending on this constant in both geometries, Lorentzian and spherical. The Hubble constant determines the discretised time intervals.
US Letter formatted version 0.2 of 'The new Formulation of the physical Laws of Nature.'
Corrected and extended Version 0.2 of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
You can download my new theory: 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
The boldfaced sections were corrected and/or extended.
The boldfaced sections were corrected and/or extended.
of Contents
Preface: 4
1) Introduction 6
Part II: Basics 8
2) The basic Law 8
3) The Structure of
the fundamental Law 8
4) Topology 11
4a) Homology
Groups 12
4b) The
Coefficient Theorem of Homology Groups 15
5) The generalized
AdS/CFT-duality Principle 18
Part III: Applications 20
6) Consequences of
the basic Law 20
6a) The geometric
Laws of Gravielectromagnetism 23
7) Special cases of
the fundamental Spacetime Length 26
Thermodynamics 28
9) Riemann
Surfaces 31
10) An Attempt to
create a microscopic Theory beyond Quantum Theory 32
10a) Detailed
Attempt of a new Description of the microscopic World 33
10b) A Sketch of a
new Theory of Entanglement 39
Summary: 40
We found expressions for the thermodynamic functions and potentials, that are measuring elementary, fundamental systems.
You can download the US Letter formatted version 0.2 as of 11/0472017 here:
Modified and extended Version 0.2 of 'The new Formulation of the physical Laws of Nature.'
You can download the modified and extended version 0.2 of:
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
Notice the modified item is the fundamental, electromagnetic entity of the combined electric dipole and magnetic moments which is by now combined by the wedge product. So, they are not simply added anymore.
The today extensions are boldfaced.
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
Notice the modified item is the fundamental, electromagnetic entity of the combined electric dipole and magnetic moments which is by now combined by the wedge product. So, they are not simply added anymore.
The today extensions are boldfaced.
of Contents
Preface: 4
1) Introduction 6
Part II: Basics 8
2) The basic Law 8
3) The Structure of
the fundamental Law 8
4) Topology 11
4a) Homology
Groups 12
4b) The
Coefficient Theorem of Homology Groups 15
5) The generalized
AdS/CFT-duality Principle 18
6) Consequences of
the basic Law 19
6a) The geometric
Laws of Gravielectromagnetism 23
7) Special cases of
the fundamental Spacetime Length 25
Thermodynamics 28
9) Riemann
Surfaces 29
10) An Attempt to
create a microscopic Theory beyond Quantum Theory 30
10a) Detailed
Attempt of a new Description of the microscopic World 32
10b) A Sketch of a
new Theory of Entanglement 35
You can download here the file: 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature:'
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Extended Version 0.2 of 'The new Formulation of the physical Laws of Nature,' as of 11/03/2017
You can download here the latest version of my new project with the title:
'The new Formulation of the physical Laws of Nature.'
The extension of this version is boldfaced.
'The new Formulation of the physical Laws of Nature.'
The extension of this version is boldfaced.
of Contents
1) Introduction 4
Part II: Basics 6
2) The basic Law 6
3) The Structure of
the fundamental Law 6
4) Topology 9
4a) Homology
Groups 10
4b) The
Coefficient Theorem of Homology Groups 13
5) The generalized
AdS/CFT-duality Principle 16
6) Consequences of
the basic Law 17
6a) The geometric
Laws of Gravielectromagnetism 21
7) Special cases of
the fundamental Spacetime Length 23
Thermodynamics 25
9) Riemann
Surfaces 27
You can now download the new version of this project here:
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Extended Version 0.2 of 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature,' as of 11/02/2017
You can download here a US Letter Version of my new Project:
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
The extensions are indicated by boldfacing the sections.
'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature.'
The extensions are indicated by boldfacing the sections.
of Contents
1) Introduction 4
Part II: Basics 6
2) The basic Law 6
3) The Structure of
the fundamental Law 6
4) Topology 9
4a) Homology
Groups 10
4b) The
Coefficient Theorem of Homology Groups 13
5) The generalized
AdS/CFT-duality Principle 17
6) Consequences of
the basic Law 17
6a) The geometric
Laws of Gravielectromagnetism 21
7) Special cases of
the fundamental Spacetime Length 23
Thermodynamics 26
You can download 'The new Formulation of physical Laws of Nature,' here:
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